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Classroom Strategies > Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students: 150 Ready-to-Use Independent Studies (Grades 3-5)
new Differentiated Projects for Gifted Students: 150 Ready-to-Use Independent Studies (Grades 3-5) new
Product Description
Kids love exploring complex topics, and the more than 150 ready-to-use projects in this book will get their minds working and their hands investigating as they complete fun tasks like “Can You See Sound?” and “It’s All in the Advertising.” The research-oriented activities in this book will help teachers provide differentiated learning experiences for advanced and gifted learners based on grade-level content. Each project is written for learners in grades 3–5 to use independently, and the teacher-friendly projects require few additional materials and very little guidance. The projects are fully integrated, with many employing skills from several content areas. Learners will use 21st-century skills as they explore grade-level content more deeply through specific, intensive online research.
Grades 3–5